From: Frank & Williams Co Auditors
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 00:20:50 +0200
Subject: business proposal
I have contacted you because I have carried out research into a dormant ac=
count of a deceased client at the financial institute where I presently aud=
it its accounts; here in the United State and the client have no heirs. The=
account has a significant amount of money in it. An account is judged to b=
e dormant if there has been no activity in it, or contact with the client, =
for 15 years. Normally, account holders lose contact due to death without l=
eaving a will and there's no known heir to inherit. The treasury department=
receives the unclaimed money unless, a previously unknown distant relative=
, comes and puts a claim on it; which is usually within a limited time fram=
The United State Treasury Department receives over $100 Billiondollars ever=
y year from unclaimed estates; forgotten funds; abandoned shares and dorman=
t accounts and some of it could be ours if we can work together as I can pr=
ovide all relevant documents and information. We could present you as the n=
ext of kin to deceased, as laid out in section 46 of the Administration of =
Estates Act of 1925 (with subsequent amendments) if you agree to work with =
I will need to enter into an agreement with you, which will cover the disbu=
rsement aspect of funds. Furthermore, you will have to sign a consent form =
that gives the lawyer power of attorney to represent you at the probate off=
ice (for the Procurement of the Grant of Probate). The amount in question c=
urrently stands at $5,000,000.00 (Five million United State Dollars only).
At the closure of this transaction, 40% of the total funds will be yours af=
ter total expenses. So, if you would like to team up with me discreetly to =
secure these funds for ourselves, please have your full information sent to=
me which include, full name, address, age, occupation and contact number(s=
I await your careful considered answer as when we proceed we cannot stop ha=
lf way, as this is one in a life time opportunity to go big.
Sincerely, =
Frank Williams
Frank & Williams Co Auditors