From: "Angela R. Baker" <>
Date: Sat, 05 Dec 2015 03:15:19 -0800
Our records indicate that you are a Non-resident, and that you are exempte=
d from the United States of America Tax reporting and withholdings on inter=
est paid to you on your account and other financial benefits. To protect yo=
ur exemption from tax on your account and other financial benefits, you nee=
d to re-certify your exempt status to enable us confirm your records with u=
Therefore, you are required to authenticate the following by completing for=
m W-8BEN attached and return same to us as soon as possible with a valid co=
py of government issued Identification (eg, International Passport) throug=
h fax number or the email at the bottom of the form.
When completing form W-8BEN, please follow the steps below;
1. We need you to provide your permanent address and US address if any. if =
different from the current mailing address. You must indicate as a Non-US r=
esident, the country you are residing, to support your non-resident status =
and if your bank or other financial institutions you are dealing with has a=
US address for mailing purposes.
2. Please complete 1 through 11 and have all account holder(s) (if more tha=
n one account holder) sign and date the form separately and send to us thro=
ugh the fax number or email at the bottom of the W-8BEN form. Note that if =
your W-8BEN FORM together with a copy of your International passport is not=
received from you after 7days from the day of the receipt of this letter y=
ou will lose your Non-resident status and be listed as undocumented,resulti=
ng in the standard rate of 30% being applied on any dividend or interest in=
come received on your investments/accounts.*
List of required documents:
1.A copy of filled W-8BEN FORM.
2.A photocopy of the photo page of your international passport.
*If you should receive multiple notifications,it means previous filled out =
forms was not properly filled and as such,we need you to refill needed colu=
mns and re-fax or email to us using the details at the bottom of W-8BEN.
We appreciate your co-operation in helping us protect your exempt status an=
d also confirm our records.
Sincerely Yours,
Angela R. Baker.
Principal Officer
IRS Public Relations