From: SunTrust
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2015 17:19:39 +0100
Subject: Your Urgent Response Highly Needed
Sun Trust Bank Plc, USA.
Private Investment Banking/Remittance Unit.
48 South Orange Avenue South Orange,
New Jersey 07079, United States of America.
Tel/Fax: +1 856 722-6196
Date 3rd December, 2015.
Very Urgent Attention
Our Ordering Beneficiary,
Your Re-validated and Approved Fund.
I am Smith A. Johnson. Director, Private Online Remittance Unit of Sun Trust Bank Plc in conjunction with United Nation on Citizenship Rights and Protection, this is as a result of series of meetings in respect of your funds which have been legally re-approved by the top authorities but there is an ugly situation on your payment file which needs your urgent attention (irregularities of signature).
Based on the outcome of the recent meeting with World Bank Auditors, Special Delegates from US Department of Treasury and International Monetary Fund, Our bank have been ordered for immediate release of your already re-approved payment to you without any delay, so we have accepted the responsibility of your delay payment and all the troubles this have caused you but very surprise that this issue was concluded on last Friday and your name was pressed on our payment schedule notice board, yesterday Mr. George bearing the same surname with you came to our office and declared that he is your next-of-kin and that you died in accident two weeks ago, he presented this account with affidavit for Change of Owner for the payment in his favour but we asked him to come back on Tuesday next week being 8th of December, 2015, so if you are alive urgently get back to us by call or mail immediately and send this code (WB/FGN/USDT/IMF-X2015).
Bank Name: Bank of America,
Account No: 5707528,
Routing No: 111923607,
Swift Code: BOFAUS6S.
Address: 104 North Upshaw Boulevard Robstown, TX, United States
We seize this medium to write you to know if you are alive but your failure to get back to us within 3bank working day, we will proceed with the transfer to the account presented by Mr. George as his claims is true since he bears the same surname with you.
Yours in Service,
Mr. Smith A. Johnson.
Director, Private Online Remittance Unit.
Direct Email:
Direct Tel: +1 940 602 8601
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Sun Trust Bank Plc, USA.
48 South Orange Avenue South Orange, New Jersey 07079, United States of America.
Tel/Fax: +1 940 602 8601