From: ""
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2015 11:30:27 +0800
Subject: From ibrahim mariam
Hello Dear,
I am Mariam Ibrahim, widow to late Mr. Yusuf Ibrahim from Libya who was kil=
led during the Libya civil war. I and my only child are presently living in=
Nigeria at the moment as a refugee. we are residing here in Nigeria, as a =
result of the civil war that was fought in our country Libya, I have a sum =
of $10.500.000.00 USD million deposited in United Bank For Africa (UBA)and =
i plead for your help to transfer this money from United Bank For Africa (=
UBA) to another bank of your choice in your name for investment in your cou=
ntry. Please this transaction requires immediate attention because of the p=
olitical situation in our country (Libya) and i do not want to lose this mo=
ney to the rebels or government, because this is the only thing left for me=
and my child now and I want to start a new life with it. My late husband w=
as the then managing director of a Gold & Mine Ind in Libya before rebels a=
ttacked our house and killed him in cold blood.
It is a huge sum of money which i can't afford to lose that is why i am ple=
ading for you to stand as the beneficiary and transfer to your bank account=
of your choice; i will offer you 30% of the total sum as soon as it confir=
med pay into your account. I believe you can help me, but on the contrary p=
lease forgive my indulgence and delete this e-mail content without sharing =
with anyone, as i am writing without any other person(s) pre-knowledge of m=
y contacting you.
But if you are interested and able to handle this for me in all honesty wit=
hout any betrayal of trust that I shall repose on you, please contact me fo=
r more details.
I am waiting to hear from you.
Thank you,
Ms. Ibrahim.
Hello Dear, =
I am Ms. Mariam Ibrahim, widow to late Mr. Yusuf Ibrahim from Libya who wa=
s killed during the Libya civil war. I and my only child are presently livi=
ng in Nigeria at the moment as a refugee. we are residing here in Nigeria, =
as a result of the civil war that was fought in our country Libya, I have a=
sum of $10.500.000.00 USD million deposited in Nation Wide Bank and i plea=
d for your help to transfer this money from Nation Wide Bank to another ban=
k of your choice in your name for investment in your country. Please this t=
ransaction requires immediate attention because of the political situation =
in our country (Libya) and i do not want to lose this money to the rebels o=
r government, because this is the only thing left for me and my child now a=
nd I want to start a new life with it. My late husband was the then managin=
g director of a Gold & Mine Ind in Libya before rebels attacked our house a=
nd killed him in cold blood. It is a huge sum of money which i can't afford=
to lose that is why i am pleading for you to stand as the beneficiary and =
transfer to your bank account of your choice; i will offer you 30% of the t=
otal sum as soon as it confirmed pay into your account. I believe you can h=
elp me, but on the contrary please forgive my indulgence and delete this e-=
mail content without sharing with anyone, as i am writing without any other=
person(s) pre-knowledge of my contacting you. =
But if you are interested and able to handle this for me in all honesty wi=
thout any betrayal of trust that I shall repose on you, please contact me f=
or more details. =
I am waiting to hear from you.
Thank you, =
Ms. Ibrahim.