From: <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2015 17:05:03 +0200
Dear Sir/Madam
My Name is Mrs. Doris Kula, I know this will be a surprise to you. Please c=
onsider this message as a request from a family in dares need of your help.=
I am the Wife of Mr. David Kula, from Sudan Darfour, My husband Mr. David =
Kula, was the owner of Omar Sea Food Industry in Darfour region and a Farm =
Land in Darfour region and supplier of Central African Countries with sea f=
ood till the Government find out that Darfour region was rich on Oil and Mi=
neral Resources which was discovered by an individual Group called Organiza=
tion Rebel Movement.
The Government and Rebel Movement are fighting over who will inherit the Da=
rfour region because of the Oil discovered and Rebel Movement are killing a=
ll the people in Darfour region to enable them inherit the land, and my hus=
band was murdered in cold blood and our Farm, Sea Food Industry was burnt d=
own. Before then, my husband had moved ( US$45.5M ) Forty Five Million Five=
Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ) to South Africa for establishment=
of another branch in Southern Africa, the fund was deposited in a private =
Security & Finance Company in the name of my son Mr. Jerry Kula as the bene=
ficiary. My husband was killed because of the Oil discovered in our Farm La=
nd since the murderer=2019s, Rebel Movement believed once my husband is kil=
led they will have no challenge in taking over the land.
Now the Rebel Movement turned against us looking for the remaining existing=
family of Kula in order to achieve their aim and objective. We decided to =
leave Darfour to Johannesburg, South Africa to seek Asylum (Refugees)Now al=
l the documents issued when the consignment was deposited has been handed o=
ver to our family Lawyer in South Africa who assisted my late husband when =
the consignment was safely deposited.
The financial laws in South Africa on Refugees do not warrant us to invest =
the funds here as we cannot operate any bank account, which is why we decid=
ed to look for a Foreign Partner who will assist us in moving the funds out=
of South Africa for my family investment. We have decided to offer you 25%=
of the total amount, 5% mapped out to defray all expenses that will be inc=
urred during the process of concluding the transaction, while the remaining=
70%will be for my family and will be invested in your country under your m=
Immediately you receive this E-mail, kindly contact us i am here with my so=
n, Mr. Jerry Kula, on the below stated telephone number and email to procee=
d. My son has been mandated to over-see the transaction with the support of=
my family Lawyer. Looking forward to hearing from you soonest. Please Cont=
act us through Email:
Mrs. Doris Kula,
For The Family.