From: ''Dramane Ouattara''
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 17:11:41 -0400
Attention,Dear Beneficairy.
Hope all is well with you and Your family?, you may not understand why this=
mail came to you. In regards to the recent meeting between the ECOWAS and =
the Present United States Government to restore the dignity and Economy of =
the Nations,Base on the Agreement with the World Bank Assistance to help an=
d make the world a better place for all with the sole aim of abolishing pov=
erty. We have been having a meeting for the passed 3 months which ended 2 d=
ays ago.
The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations and =
Federal Bureau of Investigation have successfully passed a mandate to the c=
urrent president of Nigeria his Excellency President Muhammadu Buhari to bo=
ost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to Foreigners and Compe=
nsate all that have lost their hard earned money to the Nigeria Fraudsters.
This email is to all the people that have been scammed in any part of the w=
orld, the ECOWAS have agreed to compensate them with the sum of US$2,600.0=
00 ( Two Million six Hundred United State Dollars) This includes every fore=
ign contractors that may have not received their contract sum, and people t=
hat have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that fai=
led due to Government problems,Contracts Sum, Lottery/Gambling etc.Your nam=
e and email was in the list submitted by our Monitoring Teams of Economic a=
nd Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) and the Federal Bureau of Investigatio=
n (FBI) observers and this is why we are contacting you, this have been agr=
eed upon and have been signed.
You are advised to contact Mr.Collins Agboola, as he is our representative =
in Nigeria contact him immediately for your ATM CARD worth the total sum o=
f US$2,600.000 (Tow Million six Hundred United State Dollars) This funds ar=
e in ATM Form for security purpose ok? So he will send it to you via DHL co=
urier company and you can clear the ATM in any bank of your choice in your =
Contact Him immediately for your ATM CARD Delivery with the following inf=
1. Full name:
2. Phone and Fax number:
3. Address where you want him to send the ATM CARD(P.O Box not acceptable)
4. Your age and current occupation :
Person to Contact:Mr.Collins Agboola (contact agent)
Give him your File Reference (RE-1537-V) and you are free to contact him vi=
a telephone number, it will be better to call him and once you do that he =
will ask you of your File Reference number which is (RE-1077-V), this file=
reference number is very important and gives him access to get through to=
your file and email you back quickly once he confirms your email and your =
delivery details.
Thanks for adhering to this instructions and once again accept our congratu=
Good luck and kind regards,
Making the world a better place.
Dramane Ouattara.