From: "Mr. Richard Fisher "
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 09:52:21 -0600
FBI Washington Field Office
601 4th Street NW
Washington, DC 20535,
Terrorist Screening, checkmating Money laundry, Trafficking,Bank Fraud Sca=
Attention: Sir/Madam
Security Interception of Unsolicited Business Transaction.
I am James B. Comey, Jr, the new FBI director nominated by President Barack=
Obama to replace the previous director Robert S. Mueller due to internal l=
ogical protocols guiding international and local transactions,my tenure re=
present peace, equity and justice and rule of law shall prevail, my duty is=
to ensure global maximum security and to protect fundamental human rights.=
FBI has increased their priorities because of the recent terrorist global =
threat; find below the interception information of the sum $49.5 million Un=
ited States dollars manifested in your name as the beneficiary, we have eve=
ry evidence to prosecute this case,movement of funds from different countri=
es based on the security Intel exposing links of terrorism sponsorship.
1.FBI global security wire tape has confirmed that the sum of $49.5 million=
United States dollars have been severally attempted to be release in your =
name through different methods like automated card payment system method (A=
TM) Consignment Diplomatic Delivery Bank Wire Transfer Every attempts by yo=
ur partners to move this funds according to your instructions have been fut=
ile and frustrated by the FBI global security hard disc which is been contr=
ol by world bank international security server , the amount in your name h=
ave been abandoned under government security vault which is against interna=
tional law of money laundry, terrorism and trafficking, i met your file at =
the security strong room with every other transactions relevant documents w=
ithout the other three compulsory documents mentioned in this message.
2. Our security Intel have confirmed your email address on the payment man=
ifest booklet, I have clinically crosschecked the manifest and discovered t=
hat several business transactions have been linked to your email address, y=
ou have consented by either sending money to them or aid the transactions b=
y providing your information for the movement of the funds through several =
means, your email address is on the hard disk.
We hope this email meet you well and we want you to kindly furnish to this =
office the following to enable us to proceed the release of your funds.
Thanks and waiting to hear from you soon.
New Director FBI