From: DonaldTaylor
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 17:32:32 +0200
Subject: my subject
Attention: Proposed Partner, My name is Mr. Donald Taylor, I am writing to=
seek your co-operation over this business proposal, Am the chief Financial=
Officer with a well-known bank here in South Africa. First i must solicit =
your confidence in this transaction; this is by virtue as being utterly con=
fidential and top secret. Though I know that a transaction of this magnitud=
e will make any one apprehensive and worried. My contacting you is based on=
a secret discovery of a dormant account with a total sum of $ 77,000,000.0=
0 USD during our Bank's Annual Year Account Auditing. It will be in my inte=
rest to work and finish this transaction with you. If you can be a collabor=
ator to this transaction, the banking law and guideline here stipulates tha=
t if such money remained unclaimed after three years, the money will be tra=
nsferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund. Most importantly, you wi=
ll be required to; (1). Act as the original beneficiary of the funds. (2). =
Receive the funds into a business/private bank account. (3). At the complet=
ion of this transaction, the sharing rates shall be 60% for me, 35% for you=
while 5% will be used after the conclusion of the transaction, to settle a=
ll foreign expenses made from both end in respect to the securing of the fu=
nds. You are not to face any difficulties or legal implications as I will s=
ecure all the vital documents needed in this transaction. Please indicate y=
our positive interest immediately for us to proceed if not please ignore, r=
emember this is absolutely confidential because my Bank does not know about=
it. Get back to me for more details on this private email account; mr.dona= Thanks for Your Cooperation. Warmest regards, Mr. Donald=
Taylor Chief Financial Officer=20