Attention: Consignment Owner,
Transaction Confirmation#0082935
This is a mail from Joy U.A. Ogwu the Nigerian Ambassador to the United Nations and also the executive director of UN Debt Reconciliation department, I have come to make so many things right from the way the corrupt government officials has made it to be. We have been releasing foreign/domestic unclaimed funds without causing heart break to beneficiaries since. Is my pleasure to inform you that your delivery personnel has arrived with your cash proof boxes value $6.2 million dollars being your inheritance /compensation payment. He is currently inHuntsville International Airport Alabama United States on transit. Quickly call him now on this line (256)-414-4064 or on Email:
Give him directives, his name is George B. Uba. He has been waiting to hear from you to enable him get to your home addres without missing his way. This consignment box has a serial lock combination and a manual key, the manual key is with George B. Uba but the serial lock combination code is not given to him for security reason so you don't need t worry about someone opening your box. The code will be text to your cell phone by me as soon as you confirm that the box has been delivered to you.
Most importantly you are advised to send your full data to him, which include your Full Name, Current Residential Address, Direct Cell Number, and A copy of any identity card to verify that you are the right receiver to avoid mistakes. Also reconfirm your full current address and valid phone number to the diplomat via his above email address once you receive this email to enable him deliver your proof boxes to your house without any further delay.
Note: Be very aware that the delivery agent is not aware that the boxes contain cash in it and you are not allowed to disclose that to him. The document presented to him show that the box is a family treasure. Also include your nearest airport
Joy Uche Angela Ogwu,
Nigerian Ambassador to the United Nations.
2nd Ave, New York, NY 10017, United States