From: Miss Larissa Andrew <>
Reply-To: Miss Larissa Andrew <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 02:19:12 +0900 (JST)
Subject: Letter from Miss Larissa Andrew
Dear friend,
My name is Larissa i am 23 years old from Abidjan, Ivory Coast. My late father is a wealthy international businessman, he deal on Gold, Cocoa and Timber export, Am the only daughter of my parents, I lost my mother when i was 6 years, my father is all i have until he was poisoned by his brothers due to his wealth, after the burial of my late father, life became hell to me because his brothers (my Uncles) claimed all my father's wealth and belongings as the tradition demands, according to the traditional of the land, if a man died without a son, even if the man have ten daughters all his wealth and belongings will be shared among his brothers and relatives, i believe this is the main reason why my father deposited the sum of $4.5 million USD in a bank without the knowledge of his brothers and made me the next of kin to the fund, My uncles planned to kill me thinking that i am going to revenge, that is why i ran out from the family house so that i can
securemy life and find a new foreign partner who can receive thismoney on my behalf that's why i contact you.
At the moment the money is in a bank here in Cote d' Ivoire which i'm the next of kin and I have no access to put or withdraw any money from it according to the agreement my late father made with the bank during the deposit which stated that i must be 25 years of age before i can have a direct access to the fund, all I will require from you is to assist me stand as the present guardian and foreign associate of my late father so that the bank can release and transfer the money to your nominated bank account for investment purpose.
Before we proceed, I have to make an official introduction to the bank and inform them officially about you as my present foreign guardian who is to receive my inheritance money oversea for investment purpose while i further my education.
Here are my personal details,
My full Name: Ms.Larissa AndrewAddress: Rue 21 Avenue 76, Trecheville, Abidjan Cote d'IvoireProfession: Student (I stopped school after my father death)Nationality: IvorienneCountry: Cote D'Ivoire
I look forward to hear from you for more detail.
Have a nice day.
Sincerely yours,larissa.