I am the Representative of FBI attached to United Nation, appointed to supervise the long outstanding payment dues. I discovered that you are dealing with Touts on the Course of pursuing the claim. I made up my mind to write to you then your decision will determine the action that will follow. You are not processing the payment in a rightful manner and ways. You want to put yourself into trouble. You are warned to desist further communication with those your cohorts, who are now in our Wanted list. They have posed certain threats to stability and to the survival of beneficial benefits from financial institutions and the performance of the industry as a whole and no area of the economy is immune. So dealing with them from now henceforth is at your own risk. Be warned.
My aim of contacting you is let you know I can cover the issues with my position and Authorize the release of the fund immediately then the fund will be re-programmed to release to you with the new Authorize Office/Bank. Your decision will determine my conclusion. Let me know what you are willing to give to me then I will tell you much in details what you ought to do to realist the fund in Seven Working days as we are irrevocably mandated to approved for further debiting of the Grant account and Crediting of your account through Bank immediately
Respond urgently for us to work out the modalities Ignoring the important message is like jeopardising your effort. A word is enough for the wise. Let me stop here for now till I hear from you.
David Smith.- Detective