From: MsKaro
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2015 15:04:37 +0800
Subject: Dear Beloved in Christ"
Beloved Please kindly pardon me for any inconvenience this letter may cost =
you because I know it may come to you as a surprise as we have no previous =
correspondence. I am Mrs. Karolin Wolfram, God has touched me in a glorious=
way to fulfill His blessing toward charity / mankind.I have asked God for =
forgiveness and I believed he has because he is a merciful God. I will be g=
oing for an operation on Friday which the doctor has directly said is 50/50=
chance of surviving after diagnosing me with Cancer in three (3) years ago=
. Read Romans 1:16-17
I have decided to WILL/donate my late husband entitlement fund of $12.5 Mi=
llion USD (Twelve Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) which I inherited =
from him to you for the good work of God and to serve His divine purpose an=
d favor to humanity as that has be my late husband unfinished work before h=
is death.
Recently, my Family members have advise me to share my late husband inheri=
ted fund to them for their selfish interest after receiving the news from t=
he doctor that I might not survive the operation. I refused to accept that =
from my family members as I have promise my late husband before his death t=
hat this fund would be use to serve God divine purpose and favor to humanit=
y around the world and for poor people.
I was privilege to send this letter to you with the help of a lady nurse h=
ere, who has be so kind to me, believing that a total stranger like you can=
fulfill my last wish to humanity.
All I ask from you is to make sure you use this fund for the work of God t=
o fulfill his divine purpose and favor to humanity. It is clear that I don=
=2019t know you but God known you more than I can ever do. For this purpose=
I bow my knees and pray for you, May the Lord bless you abundantly as you =
fulfill this mystery toward charity and Humanitarian service. Thus, you are=
to use 60% of the funds for this Humanitarian Mission while 10% goes to my=
family Lawyer in United Kingdom and 30% goes to you for your faithfulness =
toward God and mankind.
Lastly, I want you to pray for me regarding my health situation, because I=
have come to find out that to everything there is a season; and a time to =
every purpose under the heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1=20138) May the Grace of o=
ur Lord, the love of God, and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be wi=
th you now and forever more, Amen. I we send you the information of my lawy=
er once I hear from you to advise you further on the procedures.
Yours Faithfully
Mrs. Karolin Wolfram