From: "Bernard L Madoff" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2015 07:27:48 -0500
Subject: IMPORTANT!!!
Dear Friend,
I am Bernard Madoff,an American stockbroker, investment adviser, and finan=
cier. Before my arrest in December 11, 2008, I was the founder of Madoff th=
e founder of Wall Street firm Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC =
in 1960 an also the Chairman of WallStreet Firm.
On March 12, 2009, I pleaded guilty to eleven federal felonies and admitte=
d to turning my wealth management business into a massive Ponzi scheme, whi=
ch defrauded thousands of investors of billions of dollars in USA.
My case was in court trial until June 29, 2009, and I was sentenced to 150=
years in prison. I am still serving my jail term, and right now I am battl=
ing with Kidney Cancer and waiting for my death. The USA government has con=
fiscated all my assets, my wife has left me, and my two sons are dead. I ha=
ve lost everything that I value so much in life, and my life is worthless a=
nd nothing matters to me again.
I have in my possession a total sum of =20AC100,000.000.00 (One Hundred Mi=
llion Euro), which the USA Government is not aware about this fund. I have =
determined to share this wealth and give hope to the less privilege with it=
and homes to homeless, people who are facing hardship in life, Natural dis=
aster and war victims of Middle East and Africa respectively. Motherless ho=
mes, old people home and abandoned babes too etc....
I am writing you to assist me in distributing this fund, through charity m=
eans and give life to the less privileged ones. I have gone through your pr=
ofiles during my search for someone that i could assign and commit this mis=
sion to and were rightly convinced that somebody of your statue will not st=
oop so low to derail in this kind of social and humanitarian task for no re=
ason whatsoever hence am contacting you.
You can read more details about me by typing my name in (Bernar=
d L Madoff). I will be expecting to hear from you any moment from now. May =
the peace of the lord be with you and your family.
Bernard Madoff