From: Natwest
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 08:49:24 +0000
>From the desk of,
Mrs. Doris Lloyd,
Director Foreign Operation Department,
Natwest Bank Plc. London-England,
Attn; Sir/Madam,
May I humbly introduce myself to you, I am Mrs. Doris Lloyd, the Newly appo=
inted director Foreign Remittance Department in the Natwest Bank of London.
While going through the foreign beneficiaries files on my desk, I discovere=
d your information among the list of the beneficiaries that has not receive=
d their approved payment from this noble bank as was directed by the author=
ities, I also made further =
inquiries and discovered that you have fulfilled all the necessary obligati=
on that will enable you receive this payment, but all your efforts toward r=
eceiving this funds was abortive and to no avail.
Now I contacted the appropriate quarters to verify the reasons why your $10=
,500,000.00 funds was not released to you up till date, but there was no cl=
ear reasons nor explanations was given to me towards that effect.
On this note, I therefore concluded that your payment was unnecessarily de=
layed by some corrupt officials of the bank in collaboration with some agen=
cies who has the intention of diverting your funds to their private account=
just to satisfy their selfish interest.
However, I apologize for the inconveniences you must have undergone in the =
pursuit of this funds, and now to redeem the reputation of this great bank =
and to deliver my duties effectively, I am hereby assuring you that your pa=
yment would be made to you within the next 48 hours upon reconfirming the =
bellowed details to us.
You are advised to furnish us with your residential address, your occupatio=
n, your telephone number and your passport copy for identification, these w=
ill enable us commence on your fund transfer, hence I have the mandate of d=
elivering this duty in a timely manner.
Do get back to us immediately for our perusal.
Thanks in anticipation of your co-operation, while we looking forward to se=
rving you with the best of our services.
Mrs. Doris Lloyd,
For; And on behalf of the Natwest Bank of London.