From: "Nigeria Police Force" <>
Date: Sun, 08 Nov 2015 02:10:46 +0100
Subject: Attn: ATM card beneficiary.
Office of the Inspector General of Police IGP Solomon Arase Nigeria Police =
Force Headquarters Zone 7, Headquarters, Wuse 3 Wuse Abuja, Nigeria. Attn: =
ATM card beneficiary, RECOVERY OF DIVERTED ATM CARD I am contacting you per=
sonally to notify you of our discovery as well as get some fact from you. R=
ecently we arrested a man with name Francisco Zuela a Ghanian Citizen who w=
ork with D.H.L office in Lagos with an ATM CARD with your name on it as the=
beneficiary and the owner of the card. However the entire parcel containin=
g the proof of claim ownership which is also in your name has so far has be=
en recovered from him. After we arrested and interrogated him, he confessed=
as stated below. My name is Francisco Zuela, I work with the D.H.L office =
in Nigeria. Earlier this year, I was approached by a staff of Zenith Bank P=
LC about the diversion of a parcel containing ATM CARD belonging to one Ric=
hard L. Weaver. Which I agreed and then we collaborated to divert the card =
from been dispatched to the destination. Later we wrote to the Issuing bank=
as the beneficiary and with the help of the collaborator, the risk and man=
agement department of the bank gave me the pin code of the card. Since then=
I have been making withdraw sharing with my collaborators until this week =
when the card was blocked by the bank that I should contact the issuing ban=
k, already I have made withdraw of about USD$10, 800.00 within this period =
before I was arrested within the bank when I came to reactivate the card si=
nce it was blocked. The above is the suspect' s confession and we have cont=
acted the card issuing bank {Zenith Bank PLC} who also told us that they no=
ticed the use of the card in Nigeria which is not supposed as the beneficia=
ry was supposed to be based outside Nigeria though the identity of the ment=
ioned person was not disclosed. They confirmed that there was an applicatio=
n from you to re-release the ATM Card Pin upon receipt which direct was sen=
t to an email with your name as false fully inserted on your details by the=
collaborator who is believed to be within the banking system, but they are=
not aware that you have not received the card since you did not inform the=
m hence the card was diverted. We will like to hear from you immediately to=
enable us carry out action as well make arrangement for the ATM CARD to be=
re-dispatched to you without any delay upon reconciliation with the issuin=
g bank. From our secret investigation so far, we have confirmed that this s=
uspect is in collaboration with some officials of the bank to divert this C=
ARD without your knowledge which is confirmed in our Investigation. At this=
point, do not communicate with anyone to avoid leakage information until w=
e are able to arrest everyone involved. Waiting your Immediate Response. Yo=
urs Sincerely, A.S.P Martins Abebe Police Public Relation Officer Nigeria P=
olice Force Headquarters Abuja. Phone: 234 1 7763737 Ex 223 Email: nigeriap=