From: "Sani Ibrahim." <>
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 2015 15:55:44 +0100
Subject: Please Respond ASAP...
mola Street, Ikoyi, Lagos zonal office NIGERIA Email:-
.nz Attn: Sir/Madam My name is DR. Emmanuel O. Egbogah,Chief accounting Off=
icer Federal Ministry of petroleum Resources (MPR) and a member of Tender B=
oard Committee in charge of contract review and payment approvals, Lagos Ni=
geria, I am sending this private email based on the confidentiality of this=
transaction. Please, I will like to advise if after going through my propo=
sal and you do not accept it, kindly keep it to yourself. As of this moment=
, I am still in service with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (N=
NPC), and I will not by any means like to lose my job, if you are not inter=
ested, I have put in over 23 years service with this Corporation but I do n=
ot have anything to show for it.this is just my opportunity to make sure th=
at I give my children a decent training since the corrupt government we hav=
e has refused to take care of its responsibilities. So In mysearch for a re=
liable person to handle a very confidential transaction that involves the t=
ransfer of a huge sum of money to a foreign account. I found out that you a=
lmost met all the statutory requirements in respect of this transaction, pl=
ease be equally advised that no security company in Africa can handle This =
contract payment fund with any bank without the instructions Approvals from=
my office and the federal high court in Nigeria. There were series of cont=
racts executed by a consortium Multinational in the Oil industry in favor o=
f Ministry of Petroleum Resources among which were: 1.The extension of pipe=
line network within Nigeria for crude oil,down stream products distribution=
and subsequent evacuation-US$ 95Million. 2. Contract for the Turn Around M=
aintenance (TAM) of the various refineries in the country- US$ =3D52Million=
. 3. The construction of storage tanks for petroleum product(Depots)S $140M=
illion The original values of this contract were deliberately over invoiced=
to the sum of US $12.5million American Dollars, which has now been approve=
d and is now ready to be transferred. The companies that actually executed =
these contracts have been fully paid and project officially commissioned. C=
onsequently, I and my partnersare willing to transfer this amount to your a=
ccount for subsequent disbursement since we are Civil Servants and are proh=
ibited by the Code of Conduct Bureau (Civil Servant Laws) from opening/oper=
ating foreign account in our names. Needless to say, the trust posed on you=
at this juncture is enormous. In return, we have agreed to offer you 20% o=
f the transferred sum while 5% shall be set aside for accidental expenses (=
Internal & External) between the parties in the course of the transfer. We =
will mandate you to draw up an investment plan for us of which you will con=
trol since we cannot bring our shares back to Nigeria. We are very interest=
ed in investing in real estate in your country. You must however note that =
this transaction is subjected to the following terms and conditions: 1. Our=
conviction of your transparent honesty and diligence. 2. That you will tre=
at this transaction with utmost secrecy and confidentiality because of the =
circumstances we now find ourselves. 3. That the funds would be transferred=
to an account over which you have absolute control. Modalities have been w=
orked out at the highest level subject to your satisfaction of the above st=
ated terms. Our assurance is that your role is 100% risk free. To accord th=
is transaction, the legality it deserves and for mutual security of the par=
ties involved and the funds, the whole approval procedures will be official=
ly and legally processed with your name or the name of your company you may=
nominate as the Bonafide beneficiary. Also, be informed that our main reas=
on of contacting you is for the obvious reason that we will want to invest =
these funds in the real estate. It is our believe that you can be of immens=
e help in this regards. Kindly expedite action so as to enable us include t=
his transaction into this quarter of payment. Please, contact me as soon as=
possible on my confidential telephone number: Tel:00234-80- 5716085 Fax:00=
234-70-8851066 or alternative email address <>. I aw=
aits your soonest response. Best regards, Rev. DR. Emmanuel O. Egbogah N/B:=
I (REQUEST) your telephone number for confidential discussions when necess=