From: Bussiness
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 22:06:42 +0200
From: Ms. Kelly Zhong Request for Confidential B=
usiness Relationship I know that this will come to you as a surprise since =
we dont know each other before. For the purpose of introduction, I was a si=
lent business partner to the Former CEO (Tony Hayward) of British Petroleum=
(BP), in United Kingdom. After due deliberation , I decided to contact you=
for your assistance in standing as benefactor to the sum of USD$45,000,000=
.00. (Forty Five Million United States Dollars) equivalent because, I am cu=
rrently in need of a silent foreign partner whose identity i can use to tra=
nsfer the said sum. This fund accrued legitimately to me as commission from=
foreign contracts (Oil Spill in The Gulf Of Mexico) with British Petroleum=
during my time in active service through my private connections. The fund =
is presently waiting to be remitted from within Europe to any overseas bene=
ficiary confirmed by me as a partner/associate/receiver. By virtue of my po=
litical position, I cannot acquire this money with my name. For this reason=
I took it upon myself to look for an overseas silent partner who could wor=
k with me to facilitate transfer of this fund for our mutual benefit, hence=
the reason for this message. What I am requesting from you is: (1) To be m=
y silent partner and receive the funds as the sole benefactor to the contra=
ct amount which I shall secure all legal documentation here in U.K to authe=
nticate my claim on your behalf. (2) Send me your full names and a private =
direct mobile number for easy communication under your control. (3) Receive=
the funds as the beneficiary, take out your commission after tax and keep =
the rest of the money until I arrive there to meet you after the transfer i=
s completed. My proposal is that after you receive the funds, it would be s=
hared as follows: (1) 25% to you as commission for your co-operation and as=
sistance in facilitating the transfer from Europe to any of your nominated =
account, while the remaining 75% belongs to me. You will be free to take ou=
t your commission immediately after the money hits your country since my ob=
jective is to invest the money in a foreign Country; it would be appreciate=
d if you could also help me with advice and direction (Consultation) on inv=
esting into profitable/lucrative ventures in your country for an additional=
5%. However, this is optional, and if it is not convenient for you to furt=
her assist me with investing the money, we can end our cooperation after yo=
u make available to me my share of the money. this transaction, although di=
screte, is legitimate and the money will be transferred successfully with a=
ll necessary back-up documents showing legitimate source/origin of fund. Th=
e transfer will be effected within a period not longer than two weeks as so=
on as we reach an agreement and you furnish me with a suitable response ind=
icating your interest for processing the transfer to my private email: zhon= . I plead with you on one issue, whether you are int=
erested or not, kindly do not expose this information to anyone else. I con=
firm that the transaction is legitimate and without any risks either to me =
or yourself. Please, your immediate response will be highly appreciated whe=
ther you are interested or not. Yours Truly, Ms. Kelly Zhong