From: "FedEx Express Delivery Post" <>
Date: Sun, 01 Nov 2015 19:31:57 -0800
Subject: Re: Package Delivery Notification..
Dear Customer,
FedEx do not send confirmation of delivery info via mail until it is more =
than THREE - FOUR MONTH OLD, at the moment it is absolutely necessary that =
we contact your for further details on delivery.
We have a package register for shipment to be delivered to you in your cou=
ntry of resident. This package was sent by Mr John "Jack" Long who won a lo=
ttery in united state August July 19, 2014 in California. =
Clink this link to view Mr John "Jack" Long on it winnings and related info=
rmation on how are you part of is donation.
He also said in his document that he is giving this offer because he is ol=
d and he have no choice than to help the world because he is a dying old ma=
You are required to contact the delivery department (FedEx Express Delivery=
Post) with the details given below:
FedEx Express Delivery Post
Contact FedEx Delivery Email: mrswhi=
Mrs. White Penny =
Managing Director
Phone Number: +1 (703) 544-9903
Kindly complete the below form and send it to the email address given above.
This is mandatory to reconfirm your Postal address and telephone numbers.
RECEIVES NAME: ________________
TELEPHONE: ____________________
DELIVERY ADDRESS: _____________
CITY: ___________________________
COUNTRY: ______________________
Ensure that, your mailing address given to us is correct to avoid mistake =
during the process of delivery and the phone No. provide is available at al=
l time so you can be reach.
Please Note that you have to pay a sum of $215 USD to the FedEx Delivery D=
epartment for the Security Keeping Fee of your parcel. FedEx Company as sta=
ted in our privacy terms & condition page. considering that packages regist=
ered with us on a Special Order delivery. Without payment for the security =
keeping fee we cannot delivery you parcel to you.
please contact us immediately and send your delivery details and DELIVERY w=
ill be MADE immediately without any problem or further payment.
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Lyrical Walker
FedEx Online Team Management.
All rights reserved. =A9 1995-2015 =
With over 3,500 employees, 46 offices, six major ground hubs, and gateways =
worldwide, it=2019s no surprise that FedEx Express is able to deliver more =
than 8 million shipments yearly.