From: "Hon. Mr Ekpo Nta"
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 08:31:43 +0100
Subject: YOUR FUND.
ICPC NIGERIA (Anti-Fraud Unit) MOTTO: We Fight Against Fraud, Funds Delay a=
nd Impersonation. Head Office: Plot 802, Constitution Avenue Zone A9 Centra=
l Area P. M.B 535, Garki Abuja. *****24HRS SERVICE ***** Dear Sir/Madam, LE=
TTER OF COMPENSATION/SETTLEMENT. We hereby inform you that out of our recor=
ds for the year investigation it is drawn to us that you have been victimiz=
ed by the men of underworld(Pretenders/impostors). However,the management h=
as been dutifully empowered by the Investigation bureau office of the Presi=
dent and Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Federal Republic of Nige=
ria to curb all illicit transaction and workload of this perpetrators. In l=
ine with the Anti-corruption crusade of the Presidency, President Gen Buhar=
i (GCFR)you are by this Email notification to stop any contact regarding th=
is illegal transaction with this Hoodlums.Out of our findings, the image of=
this country has been dented Internationally during the past administratio=
n of the Federal Government of Nigeria.Presently,we have employed a strateg=
y to remit sanity,and vow to terminate the activity of this fraudsters,by c=
onsolidating our security Network all over the country in view to monitor a=
ll outgoing and incoming communication to enable us fish out and avert all =
illegal and suspicious transaction both domestically and internationally re=
spectively. Moreover,it occur that some of our Financial Institutions(Bank)=
serve as a condit pipe by which this fraudsters use to perpetrate the undo=
crime.We have signal all these financial institutions to implement scrutin=
ized investigation before carrying any transaction.Any bank found culpable =
of breaching the law,must have their operational license revoke. In accorda=
nce with the criminal and other related offense act 25 of 1999 constitution=
, we have been officially compel by Senator. A. Aminu(JP), Chairman, Senate=
committee on Foreign Affair to mapped out billions of Dollars from the Ann=
ual Budget to compensate all defrauded victims as part of the ongoing Natio=
nal Reform Scheme of the presidency and means to radiate immunity for criti=
cism. In view of this,we have been informed that you are still dealing with=
those hoodlums in all your attempts to secure the release of your fund.We =
wish to advise you that such an illegal act has to stop if you wish to rece=
ive your payment since we have decided to bring a solution to your problem.=
Do be informed that we reserve the right at our discretion to sue you for =
damage on recognition of further contact with this people. By the strength =
of this development the sum of US$5.Million United States Dollars (USD$5,00=
0,000.00) has been SIGNED to each beneficiaries to be paid . This Memorandu=
m is to notify you that you will be settled with the sum of US$5.Million Un=
ited States Dollars (USD$5,000,000.00)/ your Inheritance /contract or lotto=
payment. Kindly send the above information : 1. Your full name: 2. Your re=
sidential address: 3. Mobile and fax number (for regular official contact).=
These above-mentioned informations will officially enable us to carry out =
our verification processes and after that your compensation sum/Inheritance=
Funds will be approved in your name and Electronically wired into your des=
ignated Bank account or by ATM Card delivery to your doorstep., depending o=
n which mode of payment you prefer. You are to contact this office upon rec=
eipt of this notification immediately to proceed for payment. Vision: To fi=
ght corruption to a standstill and restore Nigeria to the enviable standard=
of respectability and dignity of the nations. Please do respond back to us=
with this email. ( ) Best Regard, Hon. Mr Ekpo Nta=
Chairman ICPC Nigeria. (Independent Corrupt Practice Commission,ICPC) mana=
ger Powered by Information Communication Technology Dept., (C) 2015 ICPC Ni=
geria, registered trademark.S
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