I'm sorry, I can not call or receive calls at this time, due to the nature of security here in my country Nigeria but I'll make time and call with a line of Insurance in case of need arises. My biggest priority of contacting you is to propose a business that requires immediate and rapid implementation. I am Willing to give you all the necessary information about me once trust is established between us. Please read and get back to me. But remember that it will Benefit you in all ramifications.
I'm ALHAJI ALIKO DANGOTE, Nigeria industrial and also a head of an DANGOTE Group of Companies Nigeria. My family Is under threat from President Gen. Muhammadu Buhari because I decided to support and be a democratic government in Nigeria, this is true. That was the Reason why he is not happy with me.
Due to the current Oil and Gas business we did together that worth $200 Million United State Dollars I want to bring to your notice that I have in my possession The sum of $300 Million United State Dollars which I already told him that it belong to one of my business partner in States and now he has ask me to contact my Business partner, he is a wise president. And he wanted to confirm if this is really true before releasing this money to my partner believe me
there is know risk in this Business all I need from you is your full information which I have stated below, once I receive all of this I will send it to him and he will contact you for more information’s from you I hope you will know how to defend your self when he contacts you.
I have secured this business for a long time now and also plain for safe keeping and possible investment. That's why I'm in need of a trust and reliable worthy person, Who will receive the money, protect and protect it until my arrival which should be brief. I take this opportunity, Because I have no other alternative purpose to trust somebody.
I'll move to your country and invest the money in Compliance with the law, your advice and help. We can work together and achieve a better future For our families.
All I ask is for you to help me tell the president that you are my business partner and you expect to get it back. There are no risk in this business, I made the Necessary arrangement to be safe preferred location. I will assume that you are able to manipulation of an agreement of this Magnitude and trust you to maintain absolute secrecy confidentiality and protect this great achievement. At least 4 days enclosure must be in your Possession, if you're in your note part. Also co-operating, I have precautionary measures to ensure the money Will paid to you I'll give you 50% cash out of the $300 million united states dollars and take 50% for my self.I believe this is a fair deal. Write me back with below information so that we can get started.
Banking Deities....................... ......
Full Name.......................... ....
Full Address....................... ......
Direct phone Number................
Occupation.................... ........
I anticipate your positive response and I will receive information Provide you with important details. We do not have the luxury of wasting time please reply
REPLY TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS...(alikodangote0011@gmail.com )