From: "William Cheung" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 19:13:59 -0600
Re: Funds for Immediate Investment
Dear Friend,
My name is William Cheung and i wish to introduce you to a Busine=
ss transaction that would be of immense benefit to both of us. Being a Dire=
ctor/Executor of WILLS with the Hang Seng Bank, Hong Kong, it is possible t=
hat we can make fortune out of our late client's unclaimed Funds when we ca=
nnot help it or left with no better option. The issue I am presenting to yo=
u is a case of my late client who left his fortune unwilled. It was most un=
fortunate that he died years ago and as the Director/Executor of WILLS, am =
now faced with indecision about who to pass the fortune to. However, I woul=
dn't want the Funds to be returned back to Government treasury as unclaimed=
Funds or the greedy Directors of my Head Branch will share the funds among=
themselves once they finds out that the fund is unclaimed
I therefore seek for your assistance in presenting you as the next of Kin t=
o my late client so that you can inherit the funds worth 24.5 million US Do=
llars for our sharing and you will be eligible for 45% of the funds. As th=
e Director/Executor of WILLS, all the claims documents shall pass through m=
y desk and i can ensure you that all the claim documents will be legally pr=
ocessed by my Attorney and this is 100% risk free. If you are interested, k=
indly please get back to me with your Full Name, Cell Phone and Residentia=
l Address to enable me brief you more on the Business deal.
Once these information are received, My attorney can immediately commence w=
ith the legal claims of the funds and like i said, this is 100% risk free b=
usiness deal and all i need is your sincerity and honesty. After you have b=
een made the next of kin, my attorney will also file in for claims on your =
behalf and secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favo=
r for the transfer of the funds to you. There is no risk involved at all in=
this deal as we are going to adopt a legal method and the attorney will pr=
epare all the necessary documents to achieve our goal. Please endeavor to k=
eep this transaction confidential; please do not discuss it with anybody. I=
really can't wait till the funds leave my bank because I have not been abl=
e to sleep nor eat properly for the past days. Attach to this email is my =
identity Card for your reference.
Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated.
William Cheung.