Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 13:26:11 +0530
Subject: Dear Friend,
I know this email will come as a surprise to you although it is with good m=
otive. Before I go any further, I want to share more about myself. My name =
is Captain James martins from Morton Grove, Illinois United States. I am an=
American Citizen currently serving in Afghanistan. I formally served in Ba=
ghdad Iraq in 2003. I=92m 37yrs old and I am an only child of both parents.=
My dad was a US marine before he passed away. My mom was a stay at home mo=
m and she passed away in October 1st 2007. The reason I contacted you is th=
at, I want you to help me receive a consignment (Box) that I deposited with=
a security company in Baghdad Iraq, The consignment (Box) contains 10milli=
on dollars. Please note that the security company does not know that the bo=
x contains money. I listed it as containing family belongings.. Anyway i th=
ink i should tell you how i came into possession of this money. In 2003, I =
was the one commanding the US 3rd Infantry Division in Baghdad, Iraq. On ou=
r raids of 23 and 26 April 2003 in Baghdad, we came across a huge amount of=
money in containers. Please visit ttp://
88455.stm for confirmation of this story After we discovered the money, Me =
and five other officers hide some part of the money that we discovered and =
returned the rest to US Central command. I am going to be posted to your Lo=
cation in the coming months so I will be most thankful to God if you can re=
ceive the consignment from the security company on my behalf. I am offering=
you 3million while 6million is for me, then the remaining 1million for Cha=
rity Organization. I do pray and hope you are a honest person as I strongly=
believe honesty is the basis of any meaningful relationship trust reliance=
Assurance conviction Devotion loyalty faithfulness Commitment dedication o=
bservance. Note: All the documents used in lodging the consignment (Box) wi=
th the security Company are all in my possession. l will send them to you a=
s soon as you show your willingness to assist me in receiving the consignme=
nt from the security company. Let me know if you are interested then you se=
nd me a mail in my private email address ( so I =
can give you more details. Make sure u contact me on this Email: (captainja= Thanks and God bless you. Yours Sincerely, Capt. James m=