From: "Barrister Johnson Williams" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2015 19:05:23 +0100
From The Desk Of Barrister Johnson Williams Nigerian Financial Intelligen=
ce Unit No.12 Ibrahim Taiwo Street, Aso Villa, Abuja, Nigeria. Office Nu=
mber: +2348162181469 Good Day I'm directed to contact you by the (WOR=
LD BANK AND INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND )to urgently confirm from you if ac=
tually you know one Mrs Lee Woung and COLLEAGUES who claims to be your busi=
ness associate/ partner in your country . The said Mrs Lee Woung is clai=
ming to us that you are dead and she will like to change all the Informatio=
n that you gave to us as our bonafide beneficiary. Below is the new banking=
information were he wish to have this funds transferred to:- Bank of Am=
erica 6901 Northwest Expressway Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73132 ABA: 02600959=
3 (International) ACCT. #:003042656833 ACCT: Name: FMS Investments Inc. Sig=
natory: Floyd M. Shealy This development is coming up now that the Minis=
try want to offset all your outstanding payments to all our legal foreign b=
eneficiaries around the world in which your payment file was affected.As yo=
u may know, the total amount in your favor is a total sum of $7.5 Million U=
.S Dollars. We need to confirm from you if it's really true that you are de=
ad and If we did not hear from you it automatically means that you are actu=
ally dead and the information passed to us by Mrs Lee Woung and is correct.=
You are to contact me as soon as you receive this message so as to kno=
w the true position of things with you so that we would not make any mistak=
e in remitting your out-standing payment to a wrong person/account. Your=
swift response will help this ministry a lot. Do email me with your Full n=
ames and Direct Cell Number for an easy communication, your age and occupat=
ion to this effect. Send your reply to my private box (mrjohnsonwilliams11= Regards Barrister Johnson Williams Public Officer, Ni=
gerian Financial Intelligence Unit NFIU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>=
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be privileged and is intended solely for the use of the name recipients(s)=
. If you are not the intended receipt, do not disclose, distribute or retai=
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