From: Irish Lotto''<>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2015 19:38:53 +0530
The Promotion Department Irish lottery Office 22 Garden Close, Stamford, Li=
ncs , PE9 2YP , London United Kingdom. DEAR LUCKY WINNER , This is to infor=
m you that your Email Address have won a prize money of Seven Hundred Thous=
and Great Britain Pound Sterling's (=A3700 000.00) from the Lottery promoti=
on which is organized by the Irish lottery Organisation.Held on January 201=
5. We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Irish Email Lottery, w=
hich was held earlier this year Your e-mail address attached to ballot free=
number:(050PR442-IRNLA) emerge as a winner of $700,000.00. (Seven Hundred =
Thousand, Great Britain Pound Sterling's This lucky draw came first in the =
4th Category of the Sweepstakes.This sweepstakes was conducted under the wa=
tchful eyes of 8,000 spectators. and electronic-ballot draw machine from ov=
er 250,000 e-mail addresses (personal and corporate e-mail addresses). It i=
s a pleasure to make you understand the way you emerged a winner even witho=
ut purchasing a ticket. The Email Lottery is a strict computer machine ball=
ot draw where email addresses are selected randomly under the supervision o=
f some organised body Governed by the Irish Lottery Organisation with Email=
networks service providers around the WORLD. TO claim your prize kindly em=
ail your details below 1. Full Name: 2. Contact Address: 3. Age: 4. Email: =
5. House Mobile phone Number: 6. Martal Status: 7. Sex: 8. Occupation: 9. s=
tate To Irish Lottery Office United Kingdom Email; irishdrawclaimcenter@out= Best Regards, Sir Frank Morris The Irish Lottery Director