Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2015 07:21:55 +0100
Subject: Attn Email OWner!
Greetings, from the office of International Representing Officer of Federal Reserve Cincinnati Office Ohio & Texas USA.
This is to apprise you after accumulative reports, that this office in it's power as the Central Bank of the United States responsible for other banks has taken over the process of your payment coming from Nigeria which is calculated at $15.5m only. After the FBI extensive investigation on Africa Case filed since last year on Lost/Seized/Owed/ funds relating, this case has finally been resolved and settled with the new Nigerian government and the U.S government.
This is to bring to your notice the current status and delay of your funds coming from Nigeria. This office in it's power along with the Interpol and FBI, has pressured the new Nigerian Government for the release of the total sum of $150m belonging to several American contractors and individuals from other countries. You will be paid as due to you the total sum of $15.5m from the retrieved $150m from the new Nigerian Government. Note, your fund calculated at $15.5m is currently in Nigeria with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) office and my work is to guide you on the legal process to receive your funds without being deceived or paying money to the wrong hands or offices. On this note, please Do not be deceived any further or be persuaded by any individual or Banker or Attorney from any organization to continue correspondence in regards to the release of your funds or it will be to no avail. Now you must only deal with this office to ensure the safe release of your funds from Nigeria.
To begin with this phenomenon, i respectfully entreat the below from you.
Your Particulars (all Valid) e.g Full names, occupation, phone number etc
Resident Card / Work I.D
Approval for payment from CAC (Corporate Affairs Commission)
Clearance Papers.
International Representing Officer
Address| 150 east fourth street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system.