Dear friend
I apologize for encroaching your privacy, however, my sincere greetings to you and family. On a very serious note, I have an urgent and very important reason for writing you cause I got your contact from one of my late husband's diaries. In brief, I am Mrs. Bronwyn Van Es from New Zealand presently living in Benin Republic, West Africa where I have lived for decades together with my late husband. I have no children and before the death of my late husband we agreed to open an orphanage home for motherless children but unfortunately he died without fulfilling his dream.
However, I still vow to fulfill this dream but presently, I am very sick, hospitalized in Benin Republic. I have been recently diagnosed with cancer of the pelvis and my doctor said it is very serious. Therefore, I am contacting you to assist me control my charity project which involves a huge amount of funds (�10.500.000.00). I have contacted you in order that I will hand over this project to you for fulfillment of our wish/dream on earth (myself and my late husband) because my doctor told me that I am not going to live long.
Please I am humbly waiting your urgent reply for full details because I don't know what next might happen to me considering my current health situation. You can please get back to me if you are willing and ready to take up this project for more details okay.
Mrs. Bronwyn Van Es.