Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2015 15:33:56 +0530
Subject: my subject
Dear Friend. I humbly request your consent and co-operation so as I can pr=
esent you as an heir/next-of-kin of a deceased account proceeds value 5,050=
8,609.00 INR (Five Crore five Lakh eight thousand Six Hundred and Nine Indi=
a rupees only) I am writing this letter in confidence believing that it is =
the wish of God to meet with you since we have not met before, I got your e=
-mail address from AOL- Local Yellow Page with regard to your profile, afte=
r searching all the job site, Hindu, matrimony and religious site looking f=
or a trust worthy person and I decided to contact you. I am Mrs. Kavita Maz=
umdar of Auditing and accounting section staff in Royal bank of Scotland Ba=
rakhamba road branch New Delhi, during my investigation and auditing I came=
across many inactive accounts but there is a particular account that has n=
ot been noticed by the previous/past auditors the account has been dormant =
without any claim of the fund. I write to solicit for your support and assi=
stance to carry out this deal in my bank that will benefit us. Lying in one=
of the many inactive accounts is the sum of 5,508,609.00 INR (Five Crore f=
ifty Lakhs eight thousand Six Hundred and Nine India rupees only) belonging=
to a foreign customer (Mr.Chowalert Jitjamnong) who was a gas consultant h=
ere in India, he happened to be deceased during a vacation trip with his wi=
fe (Mrs .Siriphut Jitjamnong) and the only child (Chawit Jitjamnong) on boa=
rd One-Two-Go Orient-Thai Airlines flight OG269 Phuket Airport plane crash =
of Monday, 17th September 2007 from Bangkok to Phuket. Info of this crash w=
as on the news which we have tried to notify his relatives but to no avail,=
see link below for more detailed information:
rum/viewtopic.php?f=3D18 & t=3D1496#p6452 Unfortunately, he has no family m=
ember in India or Over-sea who are aware of the existence of the funds, at =
this juncture, I have decided to do business with you by soliciting your as=
sistance in applying as the next of kin to the bank then the money will be =
released to you, as I do not want the money to go into the bank treasury as=
an unclaimed bill, because the banking laws and guidelines stipulate that =
if such money remains unclaimed for a period of eight years(8yrs),the money=
will be moved into the bank treasury as an unclaimed bill. My request and =
interest for a next of kin is occasioned by the fact that the customer was =
a foreigner and he secretly deposited the money without telling anybody, mo=
re importantly I will be responsible for approving application form from a =
next of kin as part of my duty and recommendations but I will not let anybo=
dy know about the secret deal between us. 55% of the money will be my share=
and 45% will be your share for the role you played as a partner and assist=
ance to actualise this deal. To affect the immediate transfer of the fund t=
o your bank account if you agree, you must apply first to the bank as the n=
ext of kin to the deceased, and then we will follow up all formalities for =
the transaction. If you are interested, please send me your information imm=
ediately: 1) Name, 2) Address, 3) mobile number 4) Id proof. To enable me f=
ix it up in the deceased customer file immediately. It is 100% risk free be=
cause it will be secret between you and I and nobody will find out. Upon re=
ceipt of your reply, I will send to you, the text of application you are to=
send to the bank, and further clarify you in other issues as to effect thi=
s business. Waiting to hear from you urgently Best Regards, Mrs Kavita Mazu=