From: Tertius SY <>
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2015 02:23:13 +0100
Subject: I await for your response.
/Dear Friend,//=C2=A0/
/How are you today? Hope all is well. Please be informed that I have
decided to contact you for a fund transfer transaction worth the sum of US
$ 9,300,000.00,into your reliable bank account as the sole NEXT-OF-KIN to
the foreign deceased customer of our bank (an International Billionaire
French Businessman) who was killed with his entire family by PLANE-CRASH in
Central England almost 5 years ago. Since his death occurred, no body have
show up as his next of kin for the claim because the account is
untraceable.Upon the investigation I carried out from his records, I found
out that his foreign business consultant who would have trace the account
died earlier before the deceased. Therefore, this is a confidential and
sealed deal. For the success of this transaction, you should apply and act
as the only existing NEXT-OF-KIN to the deceased which our bank will
replace the deceased account information through proper documentation in
position of your own account. This transaction is risk-free, it will never
harm your good reputation in your society because no one can trace the
account, and on the instant of the transfer of the fund into your account,
the chapter of this transaction will be closed entirely.Note that in a
business of this nature, the bank don't want to know your difference
between the deceased country, religion or believe because our bank
inheritance law is against that. So, it is a preference for us achieve this
success without any problem./
/Please note down that once the fund get transferred into your account, you
will take 39% of the total sum while the rest will be for me as I will
arrange myself down to your country to take my share. I need your urgent
response and include your private telephone/mobile numbers for easy
communication.Please reply if you can be trusted in this deal./
/=C2=A0//From:SAYED =C2=A0Tertius/
/Bank=C2=A0Audit/Account Section./