From: "J. HOWARD" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2015 11:04:56 -0400
From: Mr. John Howard.
John Howard
Dear Sir,
I write to introduce to you, this profitable venture.
Sometimes in 2010, at a business seminar held in Pretoria - South Africa, I had the opportunity of meeting with one Mr. Irvin Reid, an accomplished millionaire farmer and a major supplier of cattle, beef and other diary products in the West African coast.
After introduction, Mr. Irvin Reid confided in me that he needs an important Medicine which costs him about $ US4,700 per carton and he would need about 500 cartons. He wanted to know if I could, through my office, source for him, this product at a cheaper rate considering the recent fall in the prices of beef in the world market which he said is adversely affecting his business.
I later discussed the proposal with my Directors and co-consultant and after an intensive market research we discovered that we could purchase the same brand by medicine at a much cheaper price in India at $ US 2,200 per carton! We then negotiated with Mr. Irvin Reid to supply him the medicine, at $ US 3,950 per carton an offer which they accepted then, I was to receive 25% of whatever profit was made out of the business.
Unfortunately, after completion of the transaction, my Director reneged on what we had agreed upon and that has since then strained our relationship. However, as god would have it, I recently intercepted an email from Mr. Irvin Reid; requesting another supply of 450 cartons of the same product before the 25TH of OCTOBER 2015. I trashed the message and decided to contact Mr. Irvin Reid personally. I told him that I could introduce him to the producer of the product who could then supply at a cheaper rate $ US 3,950 he was full of thanks and he is waiting for my partner to contact him.
This is where I need your assistance. We would buy the medicine at $ US 2,200 per carton from the Indian Company and supply to Mr. Irvin Reid at $ US 3,950 and he will be paying in advance, 50% of our quoted price. I would however, want a firm assurance that I will receive my 35% in full at the end of the transaction. If it suits you can reach me on Tel +44 (0) 7835 176 321 or by email so that I can furnish you with contacts of both our source in India and that of Mr. Irvin Reid.
Note: Mr. Irvin Reid must not be made to know our source in India and so as not to allow him have direct contact with them in future. Secondly, I am introducing you as the Manufacturer and must be seen as the producer of the medicine by Mr. Irvin Reid.
I attach copy of my identity (Passport) and Mutual Agreement (DOC) for your review as I await your prompt response.
Yours sincerely,
John Howard
Systems House, 24 Wilton Court, Newton Aycliffe, Co; Durham. DL5 7PU United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 7835 176 321 Email:
Company Registration # 509 1389 VAT # 838 9222 95