From: "Mrs. Rebecca Garden"
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2015 01:32:34 +0530
Subject: Dear Beloved
Please kindly accept my apology for sending you this email without your con=
sent. I believe you are a highly respected personality, considering the fac=
t that I sourced your profile from the peoples search database on the web d=
uring my discreet search for a partner whom can assist me in taking bringin=
g the dreams of my late husband come through. I am Mrs. Rebecca Garden, suf=
fering from cancerous ailment. I was married to Sir. Garden Kay. An English=
shipping tycoon notable for his great charitable activities before his dea=
th in April 2nd, 2014. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum =
of Twenty Million Pounds Sterling (=A320,000,000.00 GBP) which were derived=
from his vast estates and investment in capital market with his bank here =
in UK and named me as the beneficiary of this trust fund. (All records are =
kept with my family lawyer). Presently, this money is still with the Bank. =
My Doctor told me recently, that I have limited days to live due to the can=
cerous problems that I have been suffering from. Though what bothers me mos=
t is the stroke that I have in addition with the cancer With this hard real=
ity that has befallen me, I have decided to donate this fund to you and I w=
ant you to use this gift which comes from my Late husband=92s effort to est=
ablish a charity home for the up keep of Widows, Widowers, Orphans, Destitu=
te, the down-trodden, physically challenged children, barren-women and pers=
ons who prove to be genuinely handicapped financially. I took this decision=
because I do not have any child that will inherit this money and my husban=
d relatives are bourgeois and very wealthy persons and I do not want my hus=
band hard earned money to be misused or invested into ill perceived venture=
s, which is the reason I took this bold decision. I do not need any telepho=
ne communication in this regard due to my deteriorating health and because =
of the presence of my husband relatives around me. You can contact me throu=
gh my personal email address: or Ple=
ase assure me that you will act just as I have stated herein. Hope to hear =
from you soon. Remain Blessed, Mrs. Rebecca Kay Garden