From: "American Civil Liberties Union" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 01:22:20 +0200
Subject: You Have A Job Offer
Good day !
This might come as a sudden mail to you but, I just want to introduce you to a job if you don't mind.
JOB DESCRIPTION: You will Receive Instant Money Transactions through Bank of America Credit Card Account or Checking Account/Saving Account or any of the Credit Union Bank Accounts, Local banks or USAA bank accounts or any of our affiliate banks across Europe and America.
You can easily withdraw the money at the bank or ATM with no stress and guess how we tend to give back for this easy job?
You will keep Up to 10% of the total amount you received.
(on each $1000 you will keep $100)
Forward the money after deduction of your 10% to any of our agents around the world.
*Mind you, this is completely legal and is an indirect charity to the society at alarge and is a voluntary job as we are a known NGO in USA (American Civil Liberties Union).
Make sure you meet up with atleat two(2) of the following requirments;
* A checking or Savings Account number in your country.
* A Credit or Debit Card
* A valid Drivers License
* Valid Id Card
* A recent Passport photogragh
and must be 18yrs and above.
Fill the information below if you are interested in our offer.
Postal Code:
Current Occupation:
Zipe Code:
Valid Phone Number:
Bank Name:
Our barrister will contact you and guide you.
-This Job IS available 5 days a week (MON~FRI)
Like i said earlier, it is a volountery offer, and an easy way to keep some change in the pocket.
Before you reply, make sure you have the aforementioned requirements.
Thanks for you anticipated cooperation.
Best regards.
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York NY 10004
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