From: mary grant <>
Reply-To: mary grant <>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 00:36:24 +0900 (JST)
Subject: re: reply
Greetings to you,
I am Mrs. Mary Grant. It might sound to you as a surprise receiving this message from someone you have never met before; I want you to know that you where being chosen among various emails for this project. Please do accept it as a blessing from God made possible through a woman with a good and sincere heart towards the poor as through this project a lot of poor orphans. I am unable to execute this project as a result of my health problem having undergone several surgical operations due to an incurable sickness (terminal cancer). I do not have a child as a result of my sterility.
The only and most precious help I need from you at this point is to be in constant prayers with me as I believe you have an open heart and also believe in GOD. I would be so much happy to see that my funds are properly used to help the poor orphans and less privileged etc before leaving this world as this will be a great relieve for me and my soul. This is a great and huge responsibility to handle, but I do pray that God will be with you by giving you strength and might to handle these projects, hence I am giving you these sum (4,000,000â¬) Four million Euros, for you to handle it as it is yours with the sole and unique interest of helping the most less privileged. You will also be highly compensated.
If you are willing and have an open heart towards the poor orphans, as soon as I receive your reply I will send the documents/details of the transaction and guide you through the process.
Hoping to hearing from you soon