From: Azmi Bin Ahmad <>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 11:03:30 -0400
Hello My Dear,
My name is MrAzmi, am 46 years old, am married with a daughter but my wife is late. Iwork with MayBank2U in Malaysia Kuala lumpur plc and my position inMay-Bank is foreign remittance department, that is my post in the May-Bankwhere i work.
I will like toconfirm to you that am oblige to transact this business with you. I Need yourfull assistance to stand as a beneficiary (Next of Kin) to the sum of US$18.8millionsunited state dollars lying down unclaimed in our bank, What really happenedis that during the course of our auditing last week, I discovered a floatingfund in an account opened in the bank in the year 2000 and since 2001nobody has operated on this account again. After going through some oldfiles in the records I discovered that the owner of the account died without a [Heir/WILL]hence the money is floating and if I do not remove this money out urgently itwill be forfeited for nothing that's the reason why am contacting and trustingin you as my real blood brother so that we can claim out this said fund andshare it between yourself....Okay
The owner ofthis account ABDULRAHMAN HAMAD ALBASSAM was an ARABIAN MAN from SAUDI ARABIA who was a a great industrialistand Oil Merchant, Who was a foreign contractor with the Federal Government ofMALAYSIA, Unfortunately lost his life in a car accident along Summit Hotel roadhere in Malaysia including his wife and His only kid. Ever since his death themoney has been lying unclaimed leaving no one behind to claim it... i want usto claim out this money so that you and i will use it to take good care of ourfuture family and after when we finish this business transaction we will alsohelp the poor people ...because i always wish to help the poor people...Okay
So I reallyneed your co-operation to claim this money because only someone from foreigncountry can stand as the beneficiary. And the Banking law stipulates that anymoney lying unclaimed for eight years will be transferred to federal governmentsuspect account with central Bank of Malaysia. C B M Please i need yourassistance to achieve this great chance because i do not wish this money to betransferred to Central bank of Malaysia because it will be shared among the topdirectors who are KAFFIR, i swear to GOD am the only one that knows about thissaid FUND and the secrete account. No other person knows about thisaccount or anything concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and myinvestigation proved to me as well that the account is a secret account. Thetotal amount involve is US$18.8millions United States Dollars only and Iwish this money should be transfer into a safe foreigners account abroad inyour country. Thats the reason why am contacting you foreigners that livesabroad to do this business transaction with me because you and i will benefitallot at the end...Okay
But I don'tknow any foreigner; I am only contacting you as a foreigner because this moneycan not be approved to a local person here in Malaysia, but to a foreigner whohas information about the account and which am ready to tell you because i knoweverything about this fund. I am revealing this to you with believe in GODthat you will never let me down in this business I know, GOD blessingare miraculous and unlimited; and if it is Yours and mine turn now for somemoney, (it is only a stuff for exchange)....we must be open and ready toreceive it. We can make some of our dreams come true, and that is what life isall about: To live a rich and happy life, and everybody has the right andability to live a richer life, it all comes from inside, your deepest.Instincts from our attitude to all life. "Everything alive is sacred, lifedelights in life" I need your strong assurance that you will never let medown, I guarantee that this transaction will be executed under a legitimatearrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. I will destroyall documents of transaction immediately we receive this money leaving no traceto any place I will use my position and influence to obtain all legal approvalsfor onward transfer of this money to your account with appropriate clearancefrom the relevant ministries and foreign exchange departments...Okay
At theconclusion of this business, you will be given 50% of the total amount,while 50% will be for me. Please i want you to be honest with me becausethis money is a golden opportunity to me and you, i do not want us to loose it,i believe trust goes two ways Friend, and of cause we must watch out in this"crazy" world and listen to the silent whispering voice inside, whichalways tell us the truth. My experience in life is: We must trust in our higherself, then we are guided...Every wise men and women throughout centuries alwayshad the knowledge that everything is connected with another, and the physicianshave proven it scientifically in the quantum theory today.
For the business to be effected i will need thefollowing information from you.
Number .1.Your full name: .............
Number .2.Your full residential address: ............
Number .3.Your direct private telephonenumber:...............
Number .4.Your date of birth and:..................
Number .5.Your nationality:................
Number .6.your sex:..........................
Number .7.your occupation work:......................
Number private email address:.............
With all these information i will successfully inputsyour name in the necessary files and also insert your information into the bank centralcomputer as the next of kin to the late depositor and the sole beneficiary ofthe unclaimed fund after the demise of the depositor.
Note that ineed to insert your name into the bank central computer and a file will beopened in your name, so with these information i will definitely commence withthe processing of the fund in your name, so that when you are contacting thebank your name will appear in the bank central computer as the next of kin tothe late depositor... i promise so shall it be.....Okay I want you to know thatthis transaction is 100%risk free because all necessary documents to prove youas the beneficiary will be processed with your name. I want you to handle thisbusiness offer with utmost confidentiality and keep it as a top secret becausemy Bank must not know that i gave you this information.....i hope youunderstand me..?
Furthermoreafter the whole processing of the fund in your name you will need to contactthe bank which i shall give you the contact information and the required proofswhich you shall offer the bank as the heir and you will apply for the transferof the fund into your nominated Bank account. After you might have applied forthe release of the said fund and as soon as your letter reach the desk of thedirector an official and professional response will be given to your letter ofapplication, an official verification will be followed to screen yourinformation contained in your application letter in the bank central computer andi assure you that your information will be met in the bank central computer asthe real next of kin, beneficiary and claimant of the said fund. As soon as youare been confirmed as the next of kin, the bank director will give you anofficial invitation to come down to Malaysia because there are valuable andvital governmental certificate and banking documents that required youroriginal signature which you are to sign here in Malaysia originally as thebeneficiary of the fund before the release of the fund could be effected. Inthis case i will advise you to apply for the documents to be sent to you bycourier service at your own cost meaning that you will have to pay the courierfee that may be charged by the bank to enable the industry send you the documentsdue to your inability to come down to Malaysia to sign the documents. If thisis agreed by you I want you to state it clearly in your reply.
Immediately youapply for the vital and valuable governmental certificates and documents to besent to you by courier service the bank director will ask you to send thecourier fee and as soon as you send the courier fee the whole documents will besent to you by courier service and you will have these documents signedoriginally in accordance with the bank procedure after you finish to sign thedocuments the fund will be released to your account in the next 4 to 5 workingdays. As soon as u receives the money in your bank account, i shall take myleave to your country for my own share of the money and i shall settle down in YOURCOUNTRY & invest there. I will also go into partnership business with uif u care but i intend to go into REAL ESTATE and also i want both of usto use some part of our shares to help the poor people. I hope you understandme? If so please act in accordance with me by sending me a mail with requireinformation needed for the commencement of the processing of the fund.
Notethat your utmost confidentiality as regards this transaction is required. Youare to keep it as a top secret and confidential matters for us to progress,achieve our aims and finally for security reason I look forward to yourearliest reply to this issue or send reply or
Contact medirectly on my private cell phone number: +60102805502 OR
Private Email:
Mr.Azmi Bin Ahmad.