Subject: Payment File Found.
How are you? Hope all is well with you and your=
family. I know that you might have forgotten about this your outstan=
ding fund due to our mistake to have delayed the dispatch up to this =
moment. I am writing to inform you that your file was found in our ar=
chives in our old bank office building and we discovered that your Ch=
eque of $1,850,000 have not been sent to you as it was instructed by =
our former boss Mr. Daniel Emefiele, who now is currently the Governo=
r of the central bank.
We are very sorry for the mistake and the delay=
, please bear with us because the fault is from our former secretary =
who did not complete the instruction given by our late boss before sh=
e too resigned. My dear, note that your Cheque have been converted in=
to an ATM Master Card to free it from Expiring and arrangement to del=
iver it to you has been concluded. The only fee which you will have t=
o pay is the delivery fee.
Now your ATM Master Card is well packaged with =
every legal documents to protect it from having any problems with any=
financial office or authority or with your Country=92s Government. W=
e have deposited it with the ATM Unit Director's department with the =
conclusion to deliver it to your home as soon as you contact them wit=
h you current information.
1.) Your Full name: ________________
2.) Your home Address: ______________
3.) Your current telephone number: ______
4.) A copy of your identification: ____________=
5.) Your age/sex: ____________________=
6.) Your country: ____________________=
7.) Your occupation: __________________<=
Try and get in contact with the ATM Unit Direct=
or on this below E-mail:-
Tel: +2348133916032
Contact: Reverend Morenike Adams
Please try to email or call him immediately to =
know when your package could be delivered to you. I wait for your upd=
ate as soon as you have received it. Rev. Morenike Adams will also gu=
ide you on how to make withdrawals daily and make sure you do not giv=
e out your email account password to any offices or persons to avoid =
lost of information.
Best regards,
Dr Ms Bolaji J. Woodman,
Audit/Accounts Department,
United Bank for Africa