From: "Grace Kabila" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 06:11:53 -0700
From: Mrs. Grace Kabila Democratic Republic of Congo Email- grackbil@gmail.=
com WE NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE Attention: Dear Friend, I know you will be ast=
onish to read from me, but please consider this letter as a request from a =
widow in need of your help I am Dr. Mrs. Grace Kabila, the second wife of t=
he late President of Democratic Republic of Congo , Laurent Desire Kabila. =
I on behalf of my only son Edmond Kabila I have decided to solicit for your=
assistance to transfer the sum of USD$40.5 Million,(Forty Million Five Hun=
dred Thousand United States Dollars) to your personal or company=92s accoun=
t, pending if the fund will be safe without any problem. This money was par=
t of the fund secured by my late husband when he was still in power. As the=
wife, he relied on me; my attention was drowned to this said amount, in ca=
se of unforeseen circumstances. This fear was actualized on the when his bo=
dyguard, assassinated him (May his soul rest in peace, Amen) this fund is P=
resently deposited with a private Security company in Johannesburg (South A=
frica) in favors of my son, we are presently residing as an Asylum seeker i=
n South Africa and the financial law of South Africa does not gives us some=
certain financial right as a result we decided not to invest this fund in =
Africa coupled the way this fund was acquired as well as the pressure in my=
family from my husband first wife and her son (President Joseph Desire Kab=
ila)who is currently succeeding my late husband as my country president. Pl=
ease do not hesitate to contact my son Edmond Kabila on his Email (edkab@ho= as he will inform you of the entire procedure to follow. For y=
our assistance we have agreed to offer you 30% of the total sum, while 65% =
will be for our investment in your country and 5% will be set aside to take=
care of all related expenses you may incurred during the transaction or an=
y money you will spent during the transaction, But the 5% will be brought o=
ut after the money is in your custody Please your assistance is highly need=
ed; you are required to maintain the secrecy of this matter even if you are=
not interested I will remain grateful. Remain bless you abundantly. Yours =
Truly, Mrs. Grace Kabila, (For the family} N;B Please don=92t forget to sen=
d us your private number and fax number for better understanding, also cont=
act my son and trough the telephone numbers and email provided,.=20