Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 11:32:55 +0200
Mrs. Selby Anderson Email: Hello Dear, My name is M=
rs. Selby Anderson,i am a dying woman who has decided to donate What i have=
to you. I am 59 years old,was diagnosed of cancer about 2 years ago immedi=
ately after the death of my husband,who has left me everything he worked fo=
r. I have been touched by God to donate from what i have inherited from my =
late Husband to you for the good work of the Lord,rather than to allow my r=
elatives to Use my husband's hard earned funds ungodly. I decided to WILL/d=
onate the sum of $3,000,000(Three million dollars)to enable you help the mo=
therless,less priviledged and widows. I have adjusted my WILL and my lawyer=
is aware that i have changed it, you and my lawyer will arrange the transf=
er of the funds from my account to yours. I wish you all the best and may t=
he good Lord bless you abundantly,please Use the funds well and always exte=
nd the good work to others. Contact my lawyer Barrister Steven Bummel: E-ma=
il ( and tell him that i have donated $3,000,000 to =
you.i have also notified him. Thanks and Godbless you. Regards, Mrs. Selby =
Anderson N.B:I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality in this matter u=
ntil the task is accomplished as i do not want anything to jeopardize my la=
st wish.=20