From: =?UTF-8?B?Ik1SIEpIT1JHRSI=?= <>
Greetings to you and your family. My name is (Mr.JHORGE JAMES), the =
director general with the bank, Africa Develop bank (A.D.B) Ouagadougou,=
Burkina Faso, in West Africa. I am contacting you to seek our honesty a=
nd sincere cooperation in confidential manner to transfer the sum of $15=
million U.S.A dollars) to your existing or new bank account.This money belo=
ngs to one of our bank client, a Libyan oil exporter who was working wit=
h the former Libyan government; I learn t that he was killed by the revo=
lutionary forces since October 2011. Our bank is planning to transfer th=
is entire fund into the government public treasury as unclaimed fund if =
nobody comes to claim the money from our bank after four years without a=
ccount activities by December 2014.
We did not know each other befor=
e, but due to the fact that the deceased is a foreigner, the bank will w=
elcome any claim from a foreigner without any suspect, that is why I dec=
ided to look for someone whim I can trust to come and claim the fund fro=
m our bank.
I will endorse your name in the deceased client file her=
e in my office which will indicate to that the deceased is your legal jo=
int account business partner or family member next of kin to the decease=
d and officially the bank will transfer the fund to your bank account wi=
thin seven working days in accordance to our banking inheritance rule=
s and fund claim regulation.
I will share 40% for you and 60% for me=
after the fund is transferred to your bank account, we need to act fast=
to complete this transaction within seven days. I will come to your cou=
ntry to collect my share after the fund is transferred to your bank acco=
unt in your country. I hope that you will not disappoint me after the fu=
nd is transferred to your bank account in your country.
Please I =
want you to send me your private phone number so that I can call you to =
discuss more details on how we can proceed on this project (FILL THIS FO=
RM BELLOW PLEASE AND RESEND IT TO ME). 1) Your Full Name,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,=
,,,,,,,,, 2) Your Age,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3) Marital Status,,,,=
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4) Your Cell Phone Number,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5) Your Fax Nu=
mber,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6) Your Country,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7) You=
r Occupation,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8) Sex,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9) Your Religio=