From: "Dr.Moussa Ibrahim" <>
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2015 13:50:34 +0200
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish this proposals will not embarrass you as I had no previous
correspondence with you.
I am Dr. Moussa Ibrahim, a Libyan nationality.My objective is to establish
a viable business relationship with you.
I was a member of Late.Col.Muammar Gaddafi 's regime. At the peak of rebel
attack against our Government, it was unanimously agreed that every
member of the cabinet fought to ensure we were not humiliate out of
power, but at last the superior power of NATO some how disorganized
our war plan. Hence the need for every one to stamped for safety.And
to hide or take refuge in any opportunity.
Whilst am yet in a hide out since then trying to find my way out of
Libya territory. But my most predicament is the available cash (EURO
42,500,000.00)at my disposal which I am willing to part to or your
organization in OVERSEA there so you could invest it wisely into
viable and profit yielding venture in your country. It is my cogent
believe that the profit so accrued from the investment placement
annually may be plough back to me for upkeep in any place or country I
may finally granted refuge.
I am ready to dialogue and agree in terms and condition with you if you can
accept this funds for investment on my behalf.
Interestingly, I have arranged a professional packaging firm who could
package the entire funds beyond any security intervention. And would
be handled to a known Diplomat who is experienced in this field to
deliver the cash to you in OVERSEAS under Diplomatic coverage tag.
However, I earnestly advise you to keep this transaction absolutely
confidential due to my safety.
Finally, no matter what your response may be, kindly advise me without any
delay to enabling me know next line of action,through this Email:
Yours sincerely
Dr. Moussa Ibrahim