From: Detective Edward Alex <>
Reply-To: Detective Edward Alex <>
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2015 05:56:08 +0900 (JST)
We have contacted you before but no response from you on the discovery of the below information contain in this email regarding the treat and ugly experience you might have been and still going through from scammer's knowing that they send out thousands of scam email daily looking for who to rip off, however you simply ignored our notice and we are writing yet again to advice you; it has been re confirmed to this Agency that some group of impostors are currently if not already ripping you off claiming they are Banks, Delivery Company ,EFCC Nigeria, IMF, FBI, Western Union, Money gram, Diplomat Agents and others imposed offices around the globe especially in West Africa region such as Nigeria, Ghana and Benin Republic and you have being their victim paying money after money for endless acquiring of fake documents ,certificates, there is always another fees to be paid whenever you are dealing with these hoodlums another surely and it is very sad to know
you have not find out that these people are all crime.
This information is reaching you from the office of the Internet Scam Investigation Group, the people you are dealing with are all internet criminals operating from different part of Africa, they only want your money and they are the same people but write you differently and that is why you received a lot of email daily and thereby confusing from knowing the truth since you find it very easy sending your personal information to any email claiming they have fund for you without a proper inquiry, they are not what they claim they are and I don't know if you have sent them any money at all, if yes I tell you they will keep demanding until you realize that they are impostors, it is time for you to open your eyes before you remain a victim of internet scam forever, this will serve as eye opener to you to stop further dealings at all and follow the guideline we shall give you to find out if you truly have any REAL fund belonging to you in Africa or any where
in the World.
I ask, have you been able to find out why you receive all kinds of emails daily claiming it have funds for you? Have you asked yourself if there is any fund awarded in your name at all? Or do you believe anybody that contacts you and says they have fund for you? I really pity your situation after going through the details forwarded to our office today.
Recently, report from the headquarters of the West Africa Internet Scam Monitoring Unit revealed that 70% of internet Scam in Africa is carried out by touts and jobless men in Africa and Nigeria Benin Republic to be precise (unemployment rate in Africa) and for this reason we are on assignment to stop further scam to you and also it was revealed that these criminals has partners working for them in Benin Republic, London, USA and other European and Asian Countries so at times you are contacted from even your own Country but it is all but scam.
Anybody caught to be involved in scam will serve 12 years Jail terms as abiding to Economical and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) constitution in section 42 subsections 102 of 2010 Constitution. West Africa Community will not be liable for your lost fund if you continue with those impostors who have been scamming you over the years and up till now you have not received a dime, contact the Commission to make inquiry if you have fund at all here or Africa, report the names of those fake offices you are dealing with immediately.
If you want to put an end to this scam you have experienced or still experiencing and if you ever want to receive your fund from Africa if there is any, first is to commission INQUIRE the only truth of your fund will be found in the office of the African Ministry of State for foreign Transaction where you will inquire if there is any real fund in your name presenting your names for verification, below contact address belongs to the staffs Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs where this inquiry should be made by you to Mr. Eze Phillip.
Meanwhile we are not telling you there is a fund for you in he Ministry but contact them on the email above and inquire first to know if there is any real fund in your name in Africa they should be able to investigation and let you know.
Detective Edward Alex
Head Internet Scam Investigation and Information Group
Economical and Financial Crime Commission