From: "Samir Kamel" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2015 11:05:21 -0400
Subject: Re:Fwd: Re: Re:Re:Re: Apex- TT copy & PIs with Amendment
Thank you for your call. The documents look good now. Please use the below mentioned address (SCHLUTER & MAACK GMBH, STADTHAUSBRUCKE 12,
D-20355 HAMBURG) for sending the documents.
Regarding to our last order, Please note that the amount outstanding as of 29 July 2015 is USD 32,613.00.
The above amount is calculated as follows:
Value of the goods shipped to you: USD 9,950.00
79.029 MT in 4 containers @ USD 3000 per MT - USD 11,050.00
43.886 MT in 2 trucks @ USD 2950 per MT - USD 12,463.00
44 MT in 2 trucks @ USD 2950 per MT - USD 12,000.00
Value of the amounts we transfered is: USD $35,513.00
PMT 1 - USD 9,950.00
PMT 2 - USD 12,463.00
PMT 3 - USD 12,000.00
According to your email, our bank processed the payment and the telex
copy is attached herewith.
Thank you and have a good day.
Mit freundlichen Gr??en / Kind regards/ Cordialement, i.A. Gasimiah
Schl?ter & Maack GmbH
Telefon: +49 40 32 81 10 - 64
Telefax: +49 40 32 81 10 - 17
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