From: Mrs. Sherry Page<>
Reply-To: Mrs. Sherry Page<>
Date: 02 Sep 2015 23:53:03 -0700
Subject: Let's Make A Difference
My name is Mrs. Sherry Page, I got your esteem contact out of desperate search for a reliable and trustworthy person., I was diagnosed with stage 3b breast cancer three years ago and just last month, my doctor has diagnosed and told me privately that i should try and start building my spirit for the inevitable that I have less than four months to live due to the deteriorating stage of the cancer. When my late Husband was alive he deposited some funds with a Finance Firm which i have set aside
for this. Based on this i have taken the decision to donate our funds to you as an indivitual in contribution to the development of the and society with major focus on the poor, needy and victims of HIV / AIDS. Having suffered a lot these past years trying to hold on to life. I will need your Full Name, Contact Address and Telephone Number to enable me notify the Security company about you before my demise. May our lord guide and bless you as you carry out this assignment for himself and
Love and blessings
Mrs. Sherry Page
Help All Who Need Help on a Regular, Systematic, and Equitable Basis in Order to Bring About Financial Relief to the Downtrodden Without Regard to Exigencies Including But Not Limited to Religion, Sexual Orientation, Race, Creed, Color, Nationality, Criminal History or Dutch Ancestry, and With an Emphasis on Those Who Have Undergone Personal Loss Due to Cancer Where Oncological Treatment included Both Radiation and Chemotherapy.