From: =?UTF-8?B?Ik1yLk1vaGFtbWVkIg==?= <>
Hello My Good Friend.
How are you today? Hope all=
is well with you and your family?, You may not understand why this m=
ail came to you. But if you do not remember me, you did have received an=
email from me or my partner in the past regarding to transfer a Multi-Mill=
ion-Dollar business proposal which we never concluded with you.
am using this opportunity to inform you that the Multi-Million-Dollar busi=
ness has been concluded with the assistance of another partner from Malaysi=
a who financed the transaction a logical conclusion. I thank you for your c=
oncern even though it was unfinished transfer of fund into your account due=
to one reasons or the other.
But I want to inform you that I have s=
uccessfully transferred the fund out of my bank to my new partner's account=
in Malaysia that was capable of assisting me in this great venture. Due=
to your effort, sincerity, courage and trust worthiness you showed during =
the course of the transaction. I want to compensate you and show my gratitu=
de to you with the sum of ($2,500,000.00) I have left a certified ATM VISA =
CARD for you worth of ($2,500,000.00) cash able anywhere in the world. <=
br>My dear friend I will like you to contact my Account Officer Mr. Yara Mo=
hammed his direct email address at: ( the coll=
ection of your ATM VISA CARD. I authorized him to release the ATM VISA CARD=
to you whenever you contact him regarding for it. At the moment, I am very=
busy here because of the investment projects, which I and the new partner =
are having at hands.
Please I will like you to accept this token wit=
h good faith as this is from the bottomless of my whole heart, also comply =
with Mr. Mohammed Yara, directives so that she will send the ATM VISA CARD =
to you without any delay.
CONTACT:Mr Mohammed Yara, Account Offic=
er, Burkina Faso West Africa Email address: (
m) Tele Phone:+226 784592 71 Therefore, you should send him your full=
Names and telephone number/correct mailing receiving address where you wan=
t him to send the ATM VISA CARD to you.
1. Full Name:......... 2. Delivery Address:.......... 3. Your Phone Number ......
hanks and God bless you and your family.
Hoping to hear from you.
thanks Mrs.Anna James,