Online Banking Support
***** Deposit Slips Review .*******
Good Morning Sir/Madam,
Standard Bank Guarantee Admin Machine:- Re-confirm the last Deposit Slip Review .
Kindly confirm back if this is your last Re-Confirmation of deposit slips that are personalized and preprinted with your account number, name and address.
The Receipt was Enveloped this morning and was picked up this morning 8:46 AM, Wednesday, 2nd September 2015 (GMT+2) Time in South Africa .
Delivery Time : Thursday by 6:30 PM , UPS Delivery vehicde Delivery time. Confirmed Ref : XMJ2-Standard Bank Authorization.
Verify your Standard Bank Deposit slip & confirm the Delivery address by downloading Tthe deposit Slip Copy attached . * XMJ2-Standard Bank Authorization. *
Your satisfaction is our number one priority! If you have any questions regarding your Standard Bank Account , please contact a Customer Service Representative promptly.
We appreciate your business ... !
Your friends at Standard Bank Account Notice Department
©2014 Standard Bank is a licensed financial services provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act and a registered credit provider in terms of the National Credit Act, registration number NCRCP15. d
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