From: =?UTF-8?B?Ik1pc3MgQWxpbWF0YSBTYXdhZG9nbyBLaXBrYWx5YSI=?= <>
Greetings My Dear Friend,
My name is Miss Alimata Sawadogo =
, 25yrs old single female never married, I'm from Kenya in East Africa. My =
father was the former Kenyan road Minister. He and Assistant Minister of Ho=
me Affairs Lorna Laboso had been on the Cessna 210, which was headed to Ker=
icho and crashed in a remote area called Kajong, in western Kenya. I lost m=
y father on that day, Secondly because of the political crisis and bomb exp=
losions with kidnapping from the rebels in Kenya, Mostly what happened at t=
he university on the date 02 April 2015, Somali militants burst into a univ=
ersity in eastern Kenya on Thursday and killed nearly 150 students, I am af=
raid to continue my life and studies I am now in a nearby country call Burk=
ina Faso (West Africa) through the help of the united Nations,
e read more from the BBC website
I am contacting you because=
I want you to stand as my guardian and Trustee in the management of a sum =
$3.2 Million u.s dollars that my late father left for me before he died. I =
am the only daughter of myparents and I am ever ready to offer you 30% for =
your help in receiving this fund in your country also you will recommend a =
good university where I will continue my studies; I will give you more deta=
ils and the reply from the bank on my arrival here to find how the fund can=
be release to me as the next of Kin, I am now in A mission refugee camp he=
re in Burkina Faso to hide myself and wait for the transfer, I hope you wil=
l read and understand my present situation also I pray God will touch your =
heart to help me out from here , Please take me as part of your family or y=
our daughter, the fund is legally deposited also will be legally transferre=
d to your bank account, Another option is you will receive the fund through=
ATM VISA CARD to your Address , Advice from one of the bank director=
s. I will send my photos and passport as soon as I read from you indicating=
your seriousness in helping me out from here to a better place where I wil=
l start a new life and complete my studies,
Sincerely Yours, M=
iss Alimata Sawadogo. Please send reply to this Email:( alimata.sawadogo= )