From: Robert Reiter <>
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2015 11:44:27 +0200
I am Rev. Father Richard Samuel the newly appointed refugee chairman.
I was called into the position following my humility and zeal to serve my people and resulting from the newly Elected President Muhammadu Buhari, the president of The Federal Republic of Nigeria.
However before I resumed office, I have vowed to make sure I serve my people with all sincerity and to paint a very good image of my country abroad.
I also vowed to put a final stop to any form of corruption, delay and possible diversion of beneficiary's consignment.
Importantly, I am contacting you based on the 2 boxes of consignment.
Although I have no access to the box, according to a scan result conducted by the EFCC which it's confirmed that one box contains a lot of United States of American Dollars value $10.5 Million and it is clean & spendable.
However the other contains Gold which has your beneficiary's information.
I have now moved the boxes to United states with the help of a US Army name: John M Chavez who will make sure this boxes get directly to you So, I want you to revert back to me as I have already made possible arrangement to have the funds and Gold box come across to you because Im sincerely ready to make sure it comes across to you without any form of delay or disturbances.
I will advise that you contact Mr. John M Chavez with your information for a successful delivery of the boxes directly to you and I shall be waiting to hear from you as soon as you contact him.
My Email:
Contact person
Phone: +15168303075
Contact with your full data
Full Name:
.. Residential Address:
Phone Number:
. Current Country:
Yours sincerely,
Rev. Father Richard Samuel.