From: Park yong <>
Reply-To: Park yong <>
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2015 08:52:06 -0300 (ART)
Subject: US$93 Million deal...
My name is Park Kwangmyong, a legal attorney to late Adams William (British international business man) had a road accident and died in China October 2010. My late client had a fixed deposit account with a reputable bank in Europe now worth US$93 Million.
The bank has issued a the third time Legal Notification Letter to contact and provide the Next-of-Kin to this funds otherwise have the funds confiscated and converted into the Government's Treasury; so I need someone that has the financial strength to receive the aforementioned amount on my behalf to securing the said funds to avoid confiscation of the said funds.
Please send your Direct-Telephone Numbers for discussion of this Business Proposition in full details and whereas, I shall upon receipt of your positive response to the above subject matter will provide you with comprehensive details of this offer which includes your commission (Percentage), the execution strategies and road map.
Please do contact me over my confidential email:
RespectfullyBarr: Park KwangmyongEmail:
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DIBPFA, San Jose 317, CABA, Argentina,