From: Mrs Maureen Kamba <>
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2015 11:01:02 +0200
From: Mrs. Maureen Kamba
No, 16 President Street Germiston,
Johannesburg South Africa.
Dear Good Partner,
With due respect, trust and humility, I write to you this proposal, which I
believe would be of great interest to you. I found your contact address
while I was doing a private research on the Internet for a reliable and
capable foreign partner that will assist my family and I to transfer fund
to any personal or companyâs account for investment purpose. I am Mrs.
Maureen Kamba the wife of Late Mr. Hummel Ben Kamba who was the "Chairman"
of the farmer's Co-operation in Zimbabwe.
My Husband was among the few blacks that were murdered in cold blood by the
President Robert Mugabeâs Administration during the land dispute that just
happened in Zimbabwe. Before the death of my husband he had deposited the
sum of (US$21,000,000.00) Twenty One Million United States Dollars in one
of Security and Finance Company in South Africa as he foresee his untimely
After the death of my Husband, we decided to move out of Zimbabwe because
our lives were in danger
And this money was meant for the purchase of a new machines and chemicals
for the farms and establishment of new farm in Swaziland. Before his death,
He was a Major Share Holder of Companies in Zimbabwe and after my Husband
died, we moved to South Africa where were presently residing as Refugees
(Asylum Seekers) and as such, the South Africa financial Laws does not
permit us to operate or open any bank account here in South Africa or to be
involved in any financial transaction with the bank. This is my main reason
and objective of contacting you to assist us on this transaction.
We are ready to compensate you with 30% of the total fund, which represents
mark of Honor for your kind assistance while 70% will be invested in your
country under your supervision. However, you have to assure me and also be
ready to go into agreement with me that you will not elope with my fund
when finally transferred into your account. On receiving your acceptance, I
shall be glad to give you more clarification on the modalities needed for
smooth and successful completion of this transaction.
More so, this money was deposited in a security and finance company as
valuable belongings to my late Husband pending when we see somebody that
will assist us transfer this fund to any overseas account and for the
safety of our family.If youâre keen interested to assist us on this
transaction endeavor to contact me immediately on this e-mail address: with your full Details Tel/Fax numbers
indicating your interest. Upon receipt of your urgent response I shall
introduce you to our family Lawyer whom his chambers will be representing
my family interest with you.
Your rapid response to this mail will be highly appreciated.
Best regards.
Mrs. Maureen Kamba.
(For The Family)