From: "Mr. James L. Amine"<>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 16:44:13 -0700
Subject: Mr. James L. Amine
Good day,
Complement of the season, I how are you doing today? I got your email conta=
ct from your country business directory and decided to contact you regardin=
g this business proposal. I am Mr. James l. Amine of Investment Banking Dep=
artment of Credit Suisse Bank, One Cabot Square, London E14 4QJ, United Kin=
gdom. I am contacting you as regards to a business proposal that will be of=
an immense benefit to both of us.
In my department, I discovered an abandoned sum of =A317.5 Million GBP (Sev=
enteen Million Five Hundred Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling) in an a=
ccount that belongs to one of our foreign customer late Mr. Nikolai Brodski=
i, a international Russian-Jewish businessman who was a victim of the Malay=
sia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370/MAS370) that crashed on the south of Indian =
Ocean on 8th March 2014 en route from Kuala Lumpur international airport to=
Beijing capital international airport killing everybody on board.
View the Below link for the flight manifest :
Mr. Nikolai Brodskii is number 7 on the list, Since her death our Bank has =
been waiting for the next of kin to come up for the claim of his funds and =
estates valued the sum of =A317.5 Million GBP but nobody has done so, I per=
sonally has been unsuccessful in locating any of his relatives. I seek your=
consent to present you to the Bank as the next of kin to the deceased so t=
hat the proceeds of this account valued at =A317.5 Million GBP can be paid =
to you.
The deal will be shared in this ratio: 55% to me and 45% to you. I have in =
my possession all necessary and vital documents that can be used in this de=
al. I need your honest co-operation, confidentiality and trust to enable us=
see this transaction through. I guarantee you of 100% success in this deal=
, Please be rest assured that this deal will be executed under a legitimate=
arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law both here in =
UK and in your country.
If you are capable of handling this deal, kindly get back to me with the fo=
llowing details to enable us proceed:
1. Your full name :
2. Telephone number:
3. Contact address:
4. Age:
5. Gender:
6. Occupation:
7. Your nationality:
Having gone through a methodical search, I decided to contact you hoping th=
at you will find this proposal interesting, Please on your confirmation of =
this message and indicating your interest, I will furnish you with more inf=
Your assent to this e-mail and business proposal will be highly appreciated=
Please kindly contact me with my private
Best Regards,
Mr. James L. Amine