From: =?UTF-8?B?Ik1ycy4gRXZlbHluIE1hcnNoYWxsIg==?= <>
Greeting: From Mrs. Evelyn Marshall. I am 45 years old from Bo=
livia. I am a missionary woman working with the United Nations Services und=
er charity organization, my husband was an Engineer with an oil company in =
Ivory Coast, In fact it is too sad to let you know that I lost my dear husb=
and during the political election crisis in Ivory Coast, After the death of=
my late husband, I retail from my job to stay with my only son, two years =
late I fall sick which have cost me a lot of problem as a result of Breast =
Cancer, I have been hospitalize for over some months, after many test my Do=
ctors have to courageously advise me that with the new test and condition o=
f various in the Breast Cancer, that I may not live long. Since I am not su=
re of my living, I have decided to contact you seeking for your assistance =
to guild my only son with the inheritance left in a Security Company as a f=
amily valuable by my late husband.
Why I contact you is that, My son=
is only but 14 years old and too young to handle this inherited CASH of 13=
.7 million Dollars, which is deposited with a Security Company as family va=
luable, I want the security company to move this funds into your custody as=
my next of KIN to enable you help my son future with the fund, and buy him=
a house and invest the balance into a good business in your country,  =
;if accepted to take good care of my son in your country with good educatio=
n, please get back to me for more information, I am writing you from my sic=
k bed, I must let you know that this was a very hard decision for me, but I=
have to do this as a sacrifice and take a bold step towards this issue bec=
ause I have no further option, I will be very happy to read from your inter=
ested response to enable me put you in contact with the security company as=
my only relative family Next OF KIN for the release.
I wait to hear=
from you and remain blessed. Yours Sincerely. Mrs. Evely=
n Marshall.