From: =?UTF-8?B?Ik1yLiBEaWFycmFoIFJhaGVlbSwi?= <>
Greetings Dearest Beloved, How are you today, My name is Mr=
. Diarrah Raheem, I have a touching story of hope and self realization to t=
ell you. I am an oil-servicing equipment merchant, from Dubai, U.A.E, diagn=
osed with chronic Esophageal cancer disease which doctors have confirmed in july 2011. I=E2=80=99m a rich man by business so please do not=
think of this letter. as one of those being sent around to ask for money l=
ater on. In the past one year I have been donating my money, to charity =
organizations in Malaysia, and India. Now that my health has deteriorated s=
o badly, I cannot do this by myself anymore. I once asked two members of my=
family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money to charity org=
anizations in Bulgaria and Pakistan, they refused and kept the money to the=
mselves. and no child. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as t=
hey seem not to be contented with what I have left for them. The last bu=
lk consignment of my money which is unknown to anyone, is huge cash deposit=
which contains (USA $25, Millions Nine Hundred and fifty=
United State Dorllars ) that I have with a Central Bank Of Africa. I ne=
ed you to help me collect this deposit and distribute it to charity organiz=
ations to help earthquake victims in Haiti, and people suffering elsewhere =
in the world. I have set aside 30% for your time and service. have confirme=
d that I have just few time to leave, Now that I=E2=80=99m ending the race =
like this, without any family members and no child, Please, reply me if =
you are interested. God be with you. Sincerely, Mr. Diarrah Raheem,